
Insurance Expiring?

review your insurance with the only broker endorsed by the PCO Association.


Insurance Expiring?

review your insurance with the only broker endorsed by the PCO Association.

Professional Indemnity and Public liability insurances expiring shortly? 

consider switching to a broker that can offer you:

✔ Tailored Solutions And Unique Cover Options For Conference And Event Managers.

✔ An Experienced And Dedicated Account Manager.

✔ CGU Supported Products.

✔ Two Policies Merged For Simple And Easy Application Process

For A Competitive Quote, Look No Further.


Policy Features Include

civil liabilities +

Cover for civil liabilities arising from the provision of Professional Services, including:

  • Breach of duty (including duty of confdentiality)
  • Defamation
  • Infringement of intellectual property
  • Misleading and deceptive conduct under the ASIC Act 2001
  • Breaches of the Competition and Consumer Act & the Fair Trading Acts (Australia & New Zealand)

injury and property damage +

Covers bodily injury and property damage claims arising from the professional services covered by the policy.

Claims investigation costs +

Defence costs and expenses.

Worldwide Territorial Limits +

Covers an act, error or omission worldwide.

Fidelity cover +

Covers for any fidelity loss sustained by reason of any dishonest or fraudulent conduct of an employee, first discovered during the period of insurance.

Employment Practices cover +

Optional extension.

Covers legal liability to pay compensation for personal injury, property damage and advertising liability.

Broad Definitions +

Broad defnitions of personal injury, insured’s products, products liability and advertising liability.




Who are we?

H2 Insurance Solutions is a business of qualified insurance brokers who are available to assist you with Service and Integrity to understand your business and provide Insurance Solutions. Our aim is to provide Insurance Solutions with Service & Integrity to those in the Conference and Exhibition Industry.

How Does It Work?

Professional indemnity protects your business against liability claims arising from the professional services you offer, while Broadform Liability protects against public, products and advertising liability as a result of bodily injury and property damage claims.

Why Choose H2 Conference & Exhibition Insurance Solutions

✔ To protect your business and reputation

✔ Tailored solutions and unique cover options for conference and event managers

✔ H2 Insurance Solutions is supported by CGU.

✔ CGU is a leading commercial, rural and personal insurer and a major provider of workers compensation insurance

✔ Protection against potential claims and disputes that could lead to costly and lengthy litigation

✔ Two policies merged for simple and easy application process

Core Conference and Exhibitions


Core Conference and Exhibitions

From Strength to strength

Our specialised Conference and Exhibition products have been developed in consultation with industry leaders and strong  partnerships with insurers and underwriters.

"8 years on as a niche broker, and our teams reliability insuring Conference and Exhibitions in Australia, New Zealand and around the world, is second to none." 

Jason Holmes - Managing Director.

H2 Insurance Solutions Has Specialist Policies That Cover You For:

Public liability +

What it covers Personal injury and property damage claims made against the event owner or promoter by a third party where they are found responsible for that injury or property damage.

Event Cancellation +

What it covers: Reimbursement of the event’s expenses or revenue if the event cannot proceed. Our policy also provides an additional 30% increase in cover above the Limit Insured to cover additional expenditure that may be required to ensure the event can proceed if it is postponed or rescheduled in order to avoid cancellation.

Money +

What it covers: Cash that is physically lost or stolen at the venue or en route to a bank nearby. Money cover up to $150,000 is automatically included in Our Cancellation policy at no additional cost.

Property and Equipment +

What it covers: Loss or damage to property that is owned, borrowed or hired by the Insured for use at the event, such as computers, signs, and AV gear. Property cover up to $150,000 is automatically included in Our Cancellation insurance at no additional cost.

Reduced Attendance +

What it covers: Cancellation of the event or financial loss sufered by the event which is caused by the enforced inability of participants or delegates to travel to attend the event due to a common cause.

Non-Appearance +

What it covers: Costs associated with the non appearance of a Guest Speaker, such as lost airline tickets and hotel bookings, plus the costs of replacing the original guest speaker with another speaker such as appearance fees, airline tickets and more.

Adverse Weather +

What it covers: Our Cancellation insurance automatically covers cancellation of events that are held indoors caused by adverse weather, but if you require cover for events or functions held outside or under marquees or other temporary structures due to adverse weather then this optional extension is required.

Terrorism +

What it covers: An act of terrorism or threat of terrorism anywhere in Australia or New Zealand (for Australian or New Zealand events), or within 80km of the venue (for overseas events), within 50 days of your event commencing, that causes the event to be cancelled, postponed, relocated or interrupted, or to sufer a fnancial loss (such as that caused by reduced attendance).




About CGU Insurance

CGU is a leading commercial, rural and personal insurer and a major provider of workers compensation insurance. We offer market-leading products and outstanding service, backed by our 160-year heritage, national reach and the financial strength that comes from being part of Australia’s largest general insurer Insurance Australia Group (IAG).