We Are Donating 10% of Our commissions!
We Are Excited To Announce That We Are Committed To Donate To Scripture Union QLD 10% Of Commissions On Policies Placed By SU QLD Supporters Both At Placement And Each Year The Insurance Is Renewed.
Help a cause
Let us provide a review of your general and business insurance and ask the question – can I get a better deal with my insurance and help children and young people at the same time?
“My passion is helping people out with what they want to do in ministry. I believe young people need to be able to talk to someone who can give them hope,"
- Jason Holmes, Managing Director
About Scripture Union QLD
At SU QLD, their VISION is to see each child and young person connected and supported in community, serving others, and experiencing fullness of life.
Providing Insurance Solutions With Service And Integrity.
Contact H2 Insurance Solutions via email at insurance@h2is.com.au or call 07 3123 6919 today and help young Queenslanders.